Open Service Positions

Open Positions\s


You must attend the Business Meeting to be elected for a position.

Secretaries also must complete a workshop prior to starting their term.

All Service positions should attend the Monthly Business Meeting.

Thank you for your service to SNL!

Sign up for positions

Secretary Open Positions

Secretaries will be elected for the following meetings in the Dec., 2024, business meeting:

Monday6 PM
8 PM
Tuesday8 PM
Saturday6:30 PM
8 PM
Sunday10 AM (Women)
3:30 PM (Female)
7 PM

Note: All secretary terms are four months, and require attending a secretary workshop. Unless otherwise stated, secretary positions require a minimum of 30 days sobriety.

Steering Committee Positions

These Steering Committee positions will be elected in the Dec., 2024, business meeting.

Position:  TREASURER

Term: 1 year

4 years sobriety, Prior Steering Committee Experience.

Maintain financial supplies for secretary’s use (envelopes and masking tape). Ensure that secretaries collections are counted (alone with the Co-Treasurer), recorded, and deposited into the bank at least four times a month. Co-sign checks. Maintain bank signature cards (along with the Group Chairperson). Maintain proper insurance coverage. Maintain records and prepare monthly financial statement/spreadsheet for presentation at the Finance Committee Meeting and group Business Meeting. Those reports will include the following: actual account statements from the bank (with account information blocked out upon public display in our room), and spreadsheets that include an accurate report of our income, expenses, and accruals, and any other important financial information for the group to review. Upon taking office, and/or when there is a new Group Chairperson, insure that the safe combination is changed. Pay all the bills and rent promptly, and after setting aside our prudent reserve and working margin, send contributions to the Service Organizations listed in ¶ 8.4. Attend and actively participate in all SNL functions in which money is involved. Function as an automatic member of the Finance Committee, and work in cooperation with the Finance Committee and the Finance Coordinator. Appoint a Co-Treasurer who will be approved by the Finance Committee.


Term: 2 years

Requirements: 2 years sobriety, Prior Steering Committee Experience.

Represent the group by regularly attending District General Service meetings (monthly), Area Assemblies (four/year), the Pacific Region AA Service Assembly (annually), the Pacific Region Forum (biannually), and other General Service events such as Unity Day. Attendance at Area General Service meetings (monthly) is optional. Carry our group’s Informed Group Conscience as a participant in these functions. Keep our group informed of problems and solutions that affect AA’s unity, health, and growth. Report to the Business Meeting monthly and, each year in January on the third Sunday, conduct a special Group Inventory (see ¶ 1.2.1). Following the Group Inventory in January, conduct agenda topic discussion meetings to obtain informed group consciences on matters of concern to AA as a whole, then share these informed group consciences at the Pre-Conference Assembly to help the Area Delegate prepare for the Annual General Service Conference in New York. Act as Guardian of Traditions. Appoint the Alternate GSR. The Group Treasurer will reimburse air fare in full and/or gas mileage at $0.25 per mile (unless otherwise reimbursed) and will also allow our General Service Representative up to $700, including travel reimbursement, for the PRAASA and the Forum, and up to $100 for each Area Assembly, depending on where the Assembly is held and whether or not it is a two day affair. Our General Service Representative will be allowed $25 a day for meals while he/she is out of town. This allotment will be included as a part of, not in addition to, the above mentioned amounts of $700 and $100. The General Service Representative will present to the Treasurer a proposed budget of his/her expenses followed by a detail accounting, including receipts, of the actual expenses after the event. Adhere to the guidelines of the Group Budget with respect to purchases. Schedule time at Business Meetings for General Service issues as needed (see ¶6.2.1, Item 8). All Steering Committee positions that spend money are to submit a financial statement of expenses to the group on a monthly basis.


Term: 1 year

6 months of sobriety.

Record minutes of Steering Committee and Business Meeting. Post and provide copies to group members promptly. Maintain attendance figures and take roll. Maintain a record of, and post, group decisions and changes in the Informed Group Conscience Document. Keep records of names and phone numbers of all current Steering Committee members. Post and distribute same in a timely fashion. Provide records of all current meeting secretaries to Meeting Coordinators, Group Chairperson, and Group Treasurer. Purchase and maintain office supplies, forms, etc.

MANDATORY Secretary Workshop